Title - retrieves publications with requested title or words in the title.
If you enter two or more keywords, they are automatically connected by the AND operator. You can use also OR and NOT operators, they must be explicitly stated in the query. It is possible to use * for truncation, e.g. lumb* finds lumbal, lumbago, lumbalgia etc. Phrases are put into inverted commas, e.g. "low back pain".
Journal - retrieves all journals with requested keyword or ISSN anywhere in the record.
Subject- retrieves adequate MeSH headings, keywords or NLM Subject. The query can be entered both in English and Czech, as the system searches both versions of MeSH.
You can use * for both left and right truncation, e.g. laparo* retrieves laparoscopy and cholecystectomy, laparoscopic, *scopy retrieves angioscopy, arthroscopy etc.
Author - displays names from the author index according to requested criteria.
Enter you query in the form Surname, First name, e.g. Smith, Austin. If you do not know whole name, you can use only initials, e.g. Smith, A or surname only, e.g. Smith.
Event - retrieves proceedings from conferences, workshops etc., whose title contains requested keywords.
Library - retrieves library records from library directory.
- search through all fields.
- keywords are searched in both czech and english variants
- use:
words from title
- use:
words from title
- use:
MeSH Term
NML topic
- use:
surname, first name
Surname, f
- use:
event name
proceedings name
words from Event name or Proceedings name
- use:
words from title
library number
- article bibliography Bibliographia Medica Čechoslovaca (BMČ)
- library catalogues integrated in Medvik system
- authority files
- thesaurus Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
- directory of medical and health libraries
Services offered:
- reader account management of Medvik libraries
- loans and orders of Medvik libraries documents
- remote access to fulltext content of on-line resources subscribed by NLK
- copy services operated by NLM.
- E-book on demand services EOD
- access to available fulltexts in digital library